Tuesday 2 December 2014

Alluring flame that excites the interior.


The best light for colors and appearance is an open flame or  fire because it is from a natural source. It's sharpness are second to none. Perfect in shade and casting the best shadow to an element in an interior.
Nevertheless it is difficult to make or produce good flame within an interior that is safe comforting like the burning of the essential oil of the aromatherapy from India.

There are many source of open flame used in an interior the most common are candles however not all candles are safe, beeswax candle are found to be very safe where else chemicals candles releases toxic gases that is definetly harmful to your bodies especially your lungs.

Here are a few more additional  fact to prove  that many candles are considered harmful:

Most fragrance that you smelt in candles are not naturally  natural from nature, those are chemical which were added to produce such fragrance once burnt these chemical converted into another form of by product namely acetone, benzene and toluene, these are petrochemical by product from crude oil with high carbon content.
The most popular and easily available in the market is paraffin wax candle.Burning this type of candle will result in inhaling similar to second hand smoke from a tobacco smoker.
Ofcourse if we burnt paraffin candle once in awhile it would not cause much harm but constant exposure may lead to respiratory malfunction, asthma and skin allergies
Try to avoid candle with added fragrance because most if them are from synthetic and believe it or not up to 600 different types of chemical ingredients were found  mixed into these types of candle unlike essential oil .

Beeswax are wax naturally made from flowers by the workers bees is an ingredient probably the only worth type of flame worthy to be used in your bedrooms.

Beeswax is by far the most valuable and very different all natural, non-toxic, non-polluting, non-allergenic, and with a delicious honey-sweet aroma man made candle wax flame.
 Beeswax is made by  worker bee for honeycomb, which safely contains their honey and the Queen’s  bees. To produce one pound of beeswax, the worker bees eat about ten pounds of honey (yum), fly over hundred thousand of miles, and visited  million of blossoming flowers

Pure beeswax is healthy.  Beeswax produces negative ions that actually clean your air of odors, pollens, smoke, dust, dust mites, viruses and other allergens and hazards – the only known fuel to do so. Beeswax candles leave your air fresher and cleaner - they are a true air purifier.  They are the only candle for anyone with chemical sensitivities or allergies. 

With increased negative ions, studies show: 

·   Improved air quality

·   Improved sleep                     

·   Enhanced immune system

·   Relief from hay fever & allergies

·   Less severe asthma attacks

·   Improved concentration        

·   Balancing of hormones

·   Natural detoxification

·   Sense of wellbeing

Beeswax is good value.  It achieves a very efficient and complete burn (mostly to carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapor) and thus burns brighter, hotter, cleaner, and longer than any other .  When properly made and burned, beeswax candles are smokeless and dripless.  Measured by burn time, beeswax candles are usually a better value than boutique paraffin – and it cost extra more.

Many artist and painters require it's assistance to express their work  .An open flame gave two things, light and serenity thus making the atmosphere of a room  a sense of tranquil, peace and warm as compared to electrical  assisted lighting.

Just perfect ...

INDONESIAN ( translation)

Cahaya yang terbaik untuk warna dan rupa adalah cahaya atau api sebab cahaya ini memberi ketajaman unsur bayangan yang paling sempurna.
Banyak seni rupa dan lukis membutuhkan bantuan cahaya ini untuk meneksprasikan karya2 mereka, selain itu cahaya api bisa membuat ruang terasa jauh lebih tenang di banding cahaya bantuan listrik.

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