Tuesday 23 December 2014

Why choose designer furniture ?

The misconception among many is designer furniture is for the rich . Designers are no different than doctors that remedied your living lifestyle for your health benefits.
Years of researching and practise can only make a designer capable of inventing a simple chair.
To many chair is just a chair, a chair that is designed  by a designer must meet certain criteria.

A chair must first be functional. Functional doesn't mean usable but practical, comfortable and safe to use.
Secondly it must be friendly. Friendly means it should be non accident prone.
Meaning it should be designed to cater for good posturing and can be used to sit for an extended longer time as compared to just a bench, stool and the like.
But before that can happen, a designer have to undertake a great task of researching.
Designer like Le Corbusier, Mies Van der Rohe, Thomas Chippendale leads the famous list of well sought after sofas, chairs and other furniture .

Chair was first introduced to dignitaries and kings before it was call throne that was lavishly decorated with gold and precious stones and to create warmth and softness , leather , hide and wool  was introduced . During the early years the study of human posture or ergonomics have yet to be discovered , that is why many medieval type of furniture fail in this particular category.

Today , designers are more into researching and introducing chairs and furniture in general,  into the everyday used focusing on functionality, easy,friendly and most of all affordable because interior design is all about human gift and fine living.

The design of chair has become so carefully though that it cater for the handicapped and the old folks. 

Are there any difference with the normal chair that we used, yes they do. Hospitals is the best place to start for a research from.

Movements, positioning and posturing by the handicap and old requires chair that is more sturdy, bulkier and with added padding or upholstery.

Due to this, interiors of the hospital have to be really friendly . Staircases, toilets, passageways are designed for both , the healthy and the sick.

Today with high tech technology and vast easy and readily available machineries chairs , sofas and furniture are easier to assemble and manufactured, but with little knowledge , many third world countries house owner do not find this an important matter to discuss.

They used furniture without respecting its right to exist. A furniture has no proper definition to them. 

A vanity , dresser and a table are classified as one. A chair ,stool , bench and sofa to them are just the same. A cabinet for them is a place to keep everything . Drawers, pigeon holes, cutlery trays , mini bar , pantry unit and the like just are not important to them as they find cabinets are just cabinets, anything with gliders that can be pulled are called drawers and everything that has a door are called cabinets, get them to pull out the fridge door or the dishwasher door and they still call that cabinet.

When these knowledge  are  not spread , there is always a bigger market to introduce .

The reason being simple, price and availability.

Price is another great hinderance . That is why stores like Ikea, Actus, Habitat and the like appear to house designers and produced their invention mass production making prices more affordable.

Even with such mass produced furniture available, many  still find it uncare to treat furniture with respect.

Eventually it is difficult to find an Asian interior with rooms that spell functional room for , anything is everything.

INDONESIAN ( translation)

Kesalahpahaman di antara banyak orang adalah desainer furnitur adalah untuk orang kaya. Desainer tidak berbeda dari dokter yang diperbaiki gaya hidup Anda untuk manfaat kesehatan Anda.

Bertahun mencari dan mempraktek hanya dapat membuat seorang desainer mampu menciptakan kursi yang di sebut kursi designer.

Bagi kebanyakkan orang2,  kursi hanyalah  kursi, kursi yang dirancang oleh desainer harus memenuhi kriteria tertentu.

Pertama sebuah jursi harus fungsional. Fungsional tidak berarti digunakan tapi praktis, nyaman dan aman untuk digunakan.

Kedua hal itu harus ramah. Ramah berarti harus non rawan kecelakaan.

Berarti harus dirancang untuk memenuhi sikap yang baik dan dapat digunakan untuk duduk untuk wajtu yabg lunayan panjang, waktu yang lebih lama dibandingkan dengan hanya bangku2 , bangku dan sejenisnya.

Tapi sebelum itu bisa terjadi, seorang desainer harus melakukan tugas besar penelitian

Desainer seperti Le Corbusier, Mies Van der Rohe, Thomas Chippendale memimpin daftar terkenal baik dicari sofa, kursi dan perabotan lainnya.

Hari ini dengan teknologi teknologi tinggi dan besar mesin yang mudah dan tersedia kursi, sofa dan furnitur yang mudah untuk merakit dan diproduksi, tetapi dengan sedikit pengetahuan, banyak negara dunia ketiga pemilik rumah tidak menemukan ini suatu hal yang penting untuk dibahas.

Alasannya karena sederhana, harga dan ketersediaan.

Harga ada hinderance besar lainnya. Itulah sebabnya toko seperti Ikea, Actus, Habitat dan sejenisnya menampung desainer du satu bunbung supaya bisa menghasilkan produksi massal penemuan mereka membuat harga lebih terjangkau.


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