Saturday, 10 January 2015

Synthetic vs Pure Leather Sofa

In a naked eyes,  leather and vinyl furniture can look very similar especially with the new latest machines that man could offer today.

It is sure  hard to tell whether a furniture piece is upholstered in genuine leather or man-made vinyl or often called Pvc.
But when you know the discriminating factors to look for between the two materials, you can identify whether an upholstery is real leather or otherwise. Use three test method, senses of smell, sight and touch to determine if a piece of furniture is covered in true or fake leather.

The other important factor to differentiate genuine and fake leather is by knowing what types of artificial leather are available in the market.

These are several alternative leather materials :

Different types of artificial leather materials available today, used for clothing and furniture products and other items. Artificial leather has become increasingly popular within these same markets because of its appearance , flexibility, the positive effect on the environment and especially in price comparison as more individuals shop for alternative leather products, fewer animals are killed each year, and less pollution is generated to mother nature.

Pleather ( artificial)

Pleather is a low-cost material that is commonly used to make artificial leather garments. Pleather is made from plastic materials and is lighter in weight compared to genuine leather products. Two common types of pleather are polyurethane and PVC; polyurethane is easier to keep clean, as PVC marks easily and hardens when dry cleaned. Pleather products can be bought in an array of colors, because the dyeing process does not damage these materials.

Naugahyde ( artificial)

Naugahyde is a vinyl-coated fabric first produced in Naugatuck, Conn., in 1914. Today, naugahyde is only manufactured by Uniroyal Engineered Products in Stoughton, Wis. The characteristics of naugahyde are similar to a genuine leather hyde; it is used mainly for furniture coverings, as well as waterproof seat covers, clothes and toys. The company that manufactures naugahyde created a fictional, chameleon-like species called the Naugas.  Naugahyde artificial leather has a soft texture and genuine appearance of real leather.

Vegan Leather ( artifiial)

Vegan leather is a popular artificial leather, but although vegan leather is considered animal-friendly, the manufacturing of some of the materials used may not be considered environmentally friendly. The different types of materials used to make vegan leathers are Birkibuc, Birko-Flor, Kydex, Lorica, PVC and Vegetan. Birkibuc is an imitation nubuck leather; Birko-flor is made out of acrylic and polyamide; Kydex is a acrylic and PVC alloy; and Lorica is manufactured using several different micro-fibers blended together. Vegan leather is not known to make sofa.

How can we tell a genuine leather ?

Smell technique.

This method is rather tricky because manufacturer has all the tricks stored under their sleeves.
To create a leather effect, they often applied wax that has a very similar sense of smell to the surface of the fake leather. Therefore you need to bend or puncture the corner surface over and get a whiff of a piece of furniture to gather significant clues as to its true upholstery identity. Genuine leather gives off a richly distinctive, earthy aroma while vinyl may have you turning your head away quickly to avoid an unpleasant chemical or rubber odor. If you're not sure what real leather smells like, familiarize yourself with its distinctive scent before you attempt to recognize whether an upholstered piece is covered in leather or vinyl, you could either learn to sniff leather handbags, boots, shoes and jackets  with the smell of genuine leather or you could learn to burn some leather to really get acquainted with it. Burning test is the best so far. Leather is a fire retardant material unlike  PVC ( poly vinyl chloride)  .

How Much Does It Cost?

The price difference is vast. Dont be alarmed  by the differences.
With the price tag offer to a piece of furniture it will help you determine if the upholstery is leather or vinyl. The more expensive a piece is, it definetly is leather of course !! Because actual leather is acquired from real animals, it takes a good deal of processing from limited natural resources to fashion a finished piece that is truly a one-of-a-kind creation. The production costs often drive up the retail price to a hefty amount. Vinyl upholstery is quickly mass-produced by machines, turning out large quantities of identical pieces. These faux leather pieces are available at significantly lower prices .

Recognition of looks.

Get up close and personal to an upholstered piece to view the small details, including any attached tags or labels. A piece with a manufacturer’s tag stating it is 100 percent leather leaves no room to question whether it's real leather. If a furniture tag includes the word "textile," the upholstery is not pure leather. In addition, authentic leather has tiny  natural irregular pores in the upholstery, whereas vinyl does not. Look for natural hide markings and rough seam edges that distinguish real leather from smooth imitation leathers.

How Does It Feel?

Leather feels good . Good to touch and good to feel.By running your hand across a piece of furniture  helps, by rubbing hard and fast is another way for you to determine whether it's upholstered in vinyl or leather, leather do not heat up easily while pvc does. If you can feel noticeable the texture and grain, it's probably genuine leather; conversely, vinyl upholstery often feels slick and smooth. Sitting down on the piece to fully appreciate the tactile sensations from the upholstery is the other ultimate way to test them. Pvc absorbs heat as it does not have pores to create a breathing action or circulation action for heat to travel. Fake leather usually feels cold, stiff and hard when compared to actual leather, which generally feels warmer, softer and more supple to touch.

After sometime in researching no one can hide from  you  the natural sensation of real leather against the faux one.

I love leather.


Dalam mata telanjang, kulit dan furnitur vinil dapat terlihat sangat mirip terutama dengan mesin terbaru yang baru bahwa manusia bisa menawarkan hari ini.

Hal ini pasti sulit untuk mengatakan apakah sepotong furnitur berlapis kulit asli atau vinyl buatan manusia atau sering disebut Pvc.
Tetapi bila Anda mengetahui faktor-faktor diskriminatif untuk mencari antara dua bahan, Anda dapat mengidentifikasi apakah jok yang kulit asli atau sebaliknya. Menggunakan metode tiga tes, indera penciuman, penglihatan dan sentuhan untuk menentukan apakah sebuah perabot tercakup dalam kulit benar atau palsu.

Bagaimana Apakah Ini Bau?
Metode ini agak rumit karena produsen memiliki semua trik disimpan di bawah lengan mereka.
Untuk membuat efek kulit, mereka sering diterapkan lilin yang memiliki rasa sangat mirip bau pada permukaan kulit palsu. Oleh karena itu Anda perlu membungkuk atau menusuk permukaan sudut atas dan mendapatkan bau perabot untuk mengumpulkan petunjuk yang signifikan untuk identitas pelapis yang benar. Kulit asli memberikan dari kaya khas, aroma bersahaja sementara vinil mungkin telah Anda memutar kepala Anda pergi dengan cepat untuk menghindari bahan kimia atau karet bau yang tidak menyenangkan. Jika Anda tidak yakin apa kulit asli bau seperti, membiasakan diri dengan aroma yang khas sebelum Anda mencoba untuk mengenali apakah sepotong kain ditutupi kulit atau vinyl, kamu bisa belajar untuk mengendus tas kulit, sepatu bot, sepatu dan jaket dengan bau kulit asli atau Anda bisa belajar untuk membakar beberapa kulit untuk benar-benar berkenalan dengan itu. Pembakaran tes adalah yang terbaik sejauh ini. Kulit adalah bahan tahan api seperti PVC (poli vinil klorida).

Harganya Berapa?

Perbedaan harga yang besar. Dont khawatir dengan perbedaan.
Dengan harga penawaran untuk perabot itu akan membantu Anda menentukan apakah jok adalah kulit atau vinyl. Bagian yang lebih mahal pasti kulit tentu saja !! Karena kulit yang sebenarnya diperoleh dari hewan yang nyata, dibutuhkan banyak pengolahan sumber daya alam yang terbatas untuk fashion sepotong jadi yang benar-benar satu-of-a-kind penciptaan. Biaya produksi sering menaikkan harga eceran untuk jumlah yang besar dan kuat. Vinyl jok yang cepat diproduksi secara massal oleh mesin, mematikan jumlah besar potongan identik. Potongan-potongan ini kulit imitasi tersedia dengan harga yang jauh lebih rendah.

Pengakuan terlihat.

Bangun dekat dan pribadi untuk sepotong kain untuk melihat detail-detail kecil, termasuk tag terpasang atau label. Sepotong dengan tag produsen yang menyatakan itu adalah 100 persen kulit tidak meninggalkan ruang untuk mempertanyakan apakah itu kulit asli. Jika tag furnitur termasuk kata "tekstil," pelapis tidak kulit murni. Selain itu, kulit otentik memiliki pori-pori yang tidak teratur alam kecil di jok, sedangkan vinil tidak. Carilah menyembunyikan tanda alam dan kasar jahitan tepi yang membedakan kulit asli dari kulit imitasi halus.

Bagaimana Rasanya?

Kulit terasa baik. Baik untuk menyentuh dan baik untuk feel.By menjalankan tangan Anda di perabot membantu, dengan menggosok keras dan cepat adalah cara lain bagi Anda untuk menentukan apakah itu berlapis vinyl atau kulit, kulit di tidak panas dengan mudah sementara pvc tidak. Jika Anda bisa merasakan tekstur nyata dan biji-bijian, itu mungkin kulit asli; sebaliknya, vinil pelapis sering merasa licin dan halus. Duduk di bagian untuk sepenuhnya menghargai sensasi sentuhan dari pelapis adalah cara utama lain untuk menguji mereka. Pvc menyerap panas karena tidak memiliki pori-pori untuk membuat tindakan pernapasan atau tindakan sirkulasi untuk panas untuk bepergian. Kulit palsu biasanya terasa dingin, kaku dan keras bila dibandingkan dengan kulit yang sebenarnya, yang umumnya terasa hangat, lembut dan lebih kenyal menyentuh.

Setelah beberapa waktu dalam meneliti ada yang bisa menyembunyikan Anda dengan sensasi alami dari kulit asli terhadap satu faux.

Saya suka kulit.

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