Tuesday 9 December 2014

Feng Shui and it's influence

What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui ( Wind and Water) is the practice of arranging your environment so that the energy or "chi" flows gently and smoothly through your home or business environment.

This is the term used by the chinese to help balance the source of energy near or within you that may influence you in character and personality. This  is common sense actually. If you intend to build a house near the airport, it is not advisable because it will affect everyone's personality not only yours,  the sound of the aircraft will deafened your hearing , the thought of a mishap will haunt you like a bad nightmare everyday, far from others and that will drastically makes you an anti soocial person and shops facilities will tire your physic and so forth ( on a larger scale). Putting or arranging furniture blocking the smooth traffic or movement flow for you to other rooms (smaller scale value) . Simply means we should prioritise flow, may it be human traffic or air circulation.

In this way the room you just feel good and help what you want out of life-whether it's a better career, a new love, health improvement, or more income.

This is an exxageration of thoughts that carve the way you think that may resulted in many issues, from simple decision to the more complex like a love life.Obviously if the circulation of air is hindred your health will definetly at risk, that is why we have architect to solve ventilation facility for our homes and offices.

Feng Shui is not the practice of meditation, religion, or New Age cult. Feng Shui is just a guide not something that we are force to believe like a religion but a way to better living  by practising common sense.

Feng Shui is based on the concept that everything in your environment has a life force or energy called "chi." The Chinese believe that every matter has life and this life has a sense of energy that they called "chi" while science has already proven that living matter has ion and proton that revolves. Anything that moves create energy.

Just as the flow of chi through your body, chi also flows through the environment. When the energy flow is stagnant (think chaos and overflow), moving too fast (think long dark hallways, stairs, and shot straight through the house), or blocked (think wall, tree, or even a car in the wrong place), chi unbalanced can lead to poor health, marital discord, or financial problems.

Here we are talking about life and death. Stagnant and movement. And it is translated as any corners in the house that is "dead" where human traffic does not occur or there is no ventilation or there is no sunlight streaming in obviously that kind of space will cause odour, sight and even structural deficiencies and need remedy or alteration. Even at the slightest of such occurence is best avoided, every inch of the house should "mingle" harmoniously preventing any "dead" corners.

Feng Shui can help you make sure that the proper flow of chi energy so that everything in your environment to support your desire to luck, good health, harmonious relationships, and prosperity.

Do we really need Feng Shui , or is it because we are not aware or just neglecting a simple common sense that we need someone to remind us of ?

In Asia every ethnic group has their own " Feng Shui", the Malays, Indian, Fillipinoes, Thai, Vietnamese has something that they customarily and habitually practise not only in building, decorating, designing to even in choosing a wife . The Chinese is more prominent because they commercialised their trade to others .

Using of colours base on Feng Shui

Hues and  intensity of colours affect mood. Strong , deep, solid colors have a more stronger impact on our emotions than pastel lighter shades, so if you're proposing a colour to someone that is easily triggered with anger  pastel light shade is much suitable.

To mix many different colours would invite many different mood change, be very cautious in selecting colours.Colour changes may change a person drastically. Doctors used to keep angry patient in a pink or light blue room to subdue and subside angry patient incontrary if your article in the web seems boring , splash high intensity colours , you would be surprise with the change.

Few examples on colours:

 Vibrant, warmth illusion of space , is basically what YELLOW does to an interior. Yellow is a colour selected by monks in a monastery, somewhat it shows friendliness and tends to soften the heart looking at it thus making the mind tires easily with its succumb nature.Yellow is also a sign of glorious harvest, banana, ready to harvest paddy field, ripened fruits on trees are nature involvement telling us what this colour affect on us mentally.

The element of life, growth, and nourishment is what GREEN colour offers .There are few studies that confirm looking into the colour can help to increase recovery rate for sick patient that is why hospitals are encouraged to best built near surroundings where there are lots of trees or greeneries.Vitality and strong focusing is another factor that this colour offers, paint it in a room where there are lots of brainstorming activities held , you would be surprised with the result it gave.

This colour needs no explanation , it is explainatory by itself, the colour BLUE.What first strikes a person mind on the colour blue?Sky and  water !! God doesn't paint the sky blue for no reason . Have you ever got tired of the blue sky up there ? The sea, sky and freedom is what human are made of  a great cycle of life .If you are a pessimist , involve yourself with this colour  as you will be surprised with changes it does to your mind. Blue simply can boost your self-esteem and can help you mingle and talk better.

This colour associated itself with roses, valentines day and high excitement, RED.It sure a heart thing where selection of colours is.It is almost a favourite to most of us. The element fire is what it is. Rapid, changes like the heart beat yet powerful and very magnetic like the sense of a wild beast. 

This colour invites, it invites passion, desires and love. It is  simply a door opener whete the heart is concerned. Get a women to wear red, the invitation always work and men would never refuse her, ever !!

INDONESIA( translation)

Apakah itu Feng Shui?

Feng Shui (atau Angin dan Air) adalah praktek mengatur lingkungan Anda sehingga energi atau "chi" mengalir lembut dan lancar melalui rumah atau lingkungan bisnis Anda.

Dengan cara ini ruang Anda hanya merasa baik dan membantu apa yang Anda inginkan dari hidup-apakah itu karir yang lebih baik, cinta baru, perbaikan kesehatan, atau pendapatan lebih.

Feng Shui bukanlah praktek meditasi, agama, atau sekte New Age.

Feng Shui didasarkan pada konsep bahwa segala sesuatu di lingkungan Anda memiliki kekuatan hidup atau energi yang disebut "chi."

Sama seperti mengalir chi melalui tubuh Anda, chi juga mengalir melalui lingkungan hidup. Ketika aliran energi stagnan (berpikir kekacauan dan meluap ), bergerak terlalu cepat (berpikir panjang gelap lorong-lorong, tangga, dan tembakan langsung melalui rumah), atau terhalang (berpikir dinding, pohon, atau bahkan mobil di tempat yang salah) , chi yang tidak seimbang dapat menyebabkan kesehatan yang buruk, perselisihan rumah tangga, atau masalah keuangan.

Penyesuaian Feng Shui dapat membantu Anda memastikan bahwa aliran energi chi yang tepat sehingga segala sesuatu di lingkungan Anda mendukung keinginan Anda untuk keberuntungan, kesehatan yang baik, hubungan yang harmonis, dan kemakmuran.


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