Tuesday 9 December 2014

Plants and flower arrangement.

This space will look disarray if there are no greeneries. Greeneries can neutralise a room that is informally decorated .Greeneries can also increase the levels of oxygen in the daytime because of it's nature.

The same with flower arrangement in a room. This arrangement (photo)  is rather formal. 

With it's presence a sense of  freshness, formality and elegance evolved here just like  all the hotels of the 4-stars and 5 as it is made compulsary prerequisites for having fresh flower decorations every day in the reception area and all presidential suites.

If you wanted a formal ambiance because you are expecting someone respectable this trick works wonders . 
White roses, chrysnthemum, tulips, lilies ... ..

It is so easy just to make an interior turn into a ballroom in a jiffy.

INDONESIAN ( translation)

Ruang ini akan klihatan brantakkan jika tanpa pohon . Pohon dapat menutralasi situasi dari sisi pemandangan atau estatis . Pohon juga dapat menambah kadar oksigen di waktu siang karna sifat alaminya.

Lain pula kesan bunga atau kembang di ruang tamu. Kesan ini adalah formal. Ruang akan klihatan segar, formal dan elegant, makanya semua hotel2 berbintang 4 dan 5 mewajibkan hiasan bunga segar setiap hari di area reception dan presidential suite.

Jika ruang tamu kmu ingin klihatan formal dengan kedatangan sesorang terhormat….cukup memperhiaskan bunga segar . Mawar  putih, chrysnthemum, tulips, lily …..

gampang ?

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